Safe and Efficient Marine Transportation of Liquid Hydrogen

Main objective at LH2CRAFT is to create an innovative and eco-friendly technology that makes storing and transporting LH2 on ships safer and more cost-effective in the long run.

To be realised by developing new design solutions for storage at a temperature of 20 K and demonstrating it on a 180 containment system. Two societal objectives will be served: society’s needs and EU’s strong global maritime leadership with major impacts on EU´s innovation-driven industry providing highly skilled jobs, efficient technological solutions, and international regulatory standards.

For the development of an H2-based economy, a key enabling technology and the fundamental problem to be addressed is its storage and transportation

H2  has the highest energy per mass of any fuel but its low ambient temperature density results in a low energy per unit volume, therefore, requiring the development of advanced storage methods that will allow the storage and transportation (for energy generation as well) over longer distances from places where they can be produced at a significantly reduced cost, to regions where they are mostly needed.

LH2CRAFT shows that collaboration
between the industry, research, and end users is pivotal for excellence in Europe

The core technologies and the technology enablers developed in LH2CRAFT will be commercialized all over the world while giving advantages to Europe’s SME’s, vessel designers, engineering companies, ship owners and ship operators, as well as other industrial users.

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The LH2CRAFT Consortium represents a multidisciplinary group composed of 14 partners from 9 different countries within the European Union, Republic of Korea and UK