Analysis of Global Trade and Demonstration: Task 2.1 Update

This task’s aim is to analyse the global trade and predict the future maritime cargoes trade blend and the share of the liquid hydrogen transportation as well. The analysis of the LH2CRAFT potential share in the global market, could not be performed without accounting LNG market trade at first as a similar cargo with cryogenic onboard storing conditions. The limits and restrictions of vessels in specific trade routes (Suez/Panama canals and LNG terminals) have been well defined and accounted as potential impact on liquid hydrogen vessels’ operational profiles. Moreover, a workshop took place to further examine technical (CCS boil of rate), economic and time constrained boundaries and their interconnection. All the above inputs have been collected and have been extrapolated to the future LH2 trade market and routes, which will pave the way for task 4.1 and the overall design procedure.

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