Hydrus Engineering S.A. (HYD) is a global engineering firm delivering technologies and services in the maritime and energy industries. Since its foundation in 2009, it is driven by a commitment to excellent client satisfaction and by a quest for iconic projects. It has delivered a large number and a wide range of engineering solutions and services worldwide covering different areas of application within the maritime and energy industries.
Through its participation and the coordination of LH2CRAFT, HYD is looking into further expanding its engineering service portfolio and expertise as well as safeguarding its presence in the forefront of a challenging market that will be called to tackle the strict environmental regulatory framework implemented upon the shipping industry by the IMO. Working amongst technology providers and in close collaboration with research institutions and three leading classification societies will enrich the company’s level of expertise and will also provide new tools and solutions for optimizing the design and engineering processes in a wider range of activities, building on its vast experience in the new building sector.