LH2CRAFT at EU Hydrogen Research Days

Our project coordinator, Astrinos Papadakis, from HYDRUS Engineering S.A., unveiled the vision and progress of ‘Safe and Efficient Marine Transportation of Liquid Hydrogen – LH2CRAFT’ at the EU Hydrogen Research Days.

This pivotal event provided a platform to showcase the projects’ concepts, key achievements, exploitation, and anticipated impact to the esteemed research community.

The LH2CRAFT project seeks to advance the development of a new era in sustainable, commercially appealing, and secure methods for the extended storage and transportation of significant quantities of Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) for commercial vessels. The primary focus of the project centers on creating a membrane-type containmentsystem capable of accommodating large capacities (e.g., 200,000 m3) at a temperature of -253 degrees Celsius. This technology will be rigorously tested and verified through the construction and evaluation of a 10-ton (180 m3) prototype.

The CCS will achieve AiP and General Approval by a major classification society (three IACS members are participating), whereas AiP will be also issued for the concept design of the auxiliary systems (HDMSS).

LH2CRAFT will also develop a preliminary integrated LH2 carrier ship design, while alternative conceptual designs of CCS and LH2 carrier vessels, including detailed safety and risk assessment will be examined.

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